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The Asian American Association community at the University of Notre Dame looks to create a welcoming environment for all of its members, those who are 0 - 100% Asian. AAA is an umbrella club of many smaller cultural student associations with a more narrowed focus. Through Discord, the club hopes to provide a common platform to connect its undergraduate members, retain communication with alumni, and spread information about AAA and ND events on campus.

In order to maintain the Discord, PichuBot is a Discord Bot that helps manage the AAA Discord Server. PichuBot supports the community with various commands and automation to better engage the community and support the execution of the AAA Board. Explore the server to dive into the AAA Family today!


PichuBot currently does not support pip install-ations.

After setting up a Python3 environment, cloning the repository, and acquiring the bot token, a user can run


to deploy the bot and test features. Testing is done on the #test-dev text channel on AAA Discord.


Members of Team PichuBot may freely git clone the repository to then add functionality to the bot. The bot token can be received from any team leads of the project. The current team leads are: aluc, dluc, and mwang6.

Open source contributing can be done via the following steps:

Commands are called via an exclamation mark such as, !echo "Hello, Asian American Association". New command can be created with the


decorator and then added to the /commands directory as a new file.

The project follows PEP8 standards and every PR will be automatically tested through pep8speaks for valid formatting.